Sunday, 11 September 2011

Reflectons about my friend's blogs :)

In this post, I will be commenting on three of my friend's blogs to provide some feedback about the quality of their blog entries as well as the information provided.

Firstly, I will be looking at Naseema's blog.

I would like to comment Naseema for firstly, the very thoughtful name she came up with for the blog. From the link itself, it has captivated me to click on it and visit her blog. Very much similar to the link of her blog, Naseema's entries are captivating and detailed. I feel though that she could be more mindful about the presentation of her blog. Some of the colours used in Naseema's blog are unclear, for example in her table for the energy and nutrient composition of foods. In terms of content, I commend Naseema for her use of detail especially when introducing the healthy one dish meal. She carefully explains the nutrients found in the food for example proteins, carbohydrates and such and she explais why the method of boiling is healthy. One point for improvement would be that Naseema could have explained why she did not meet the required amount of servings for her healthy diet pyramid, maybe because that particular meal she had was a particularly heavy one or maybe it was a weekend, so on and so forth. This would have helped her to consider the reasons behind her diet better so that she would be able to modify it better. In any case, good job Naseema!

Next, I will be commenting on Kavya's blog.

Kavya's blog is well written with clear elaboration. It's layout is visually appealing and it is clear and easy to follow. Kavya gives quite a comprehensive discussion over her diet through using the healthy diet pyramid and I feel it is commendable that she explained the use of each nutritional tool so that readers are given a clear idea of what to look out for when reading her blog. One point for improvement for Kavya would be her one dish meal. It is good that she points out the special nutritional value of some of the ingredients of her meals, for example peas and capsicum containing vitamins. What she could have done was to give a comprehensive discussion about the key points which make the meal healthy so that it would have been more informative for readers. Apart from that, I feel that she has given her best effort in this blog and I commend her for it. Well done, Kavya!

Last but not least, I will be looking at Sophia's blog.

I feel that Sophia's blog is interesting due to her unique idea about making an unhealthy one-dish-meal healthy. This is the first time I have come across it the entries I have been looking through so I think it's great she put in the effort to give some originality to her ideas. She could have strengthened this strong point about her blog about giving more in depth explanation about what exactly makes the dish unhealthy so that readers will really feel that her suggestions to make the dish more healthy are useful.

Sophia also presents some very creative ideas for example about the effect of less oil and salt on the kidney. It would have been great if she had been able to elaborate more about these key points to keep readers interested. Sophia also could have used more nutritional tools to analyse her diet but I still think she has done a fantastic job. Kudos to you Sophia!

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